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Best of Rooms


Concert Band

Grade 5



5 minutes

Recorded by the Alabama Winds. Randall O. Coleman, conductor

00:00 / 04:47


Randall Coleman writes, “Life is full of change…it may well be our only certainty, the only constant in our day to day lives.  On March 7, 2013, my life changed forever when my best friend, my soul-mate and biggest fan, left this earth as I held her in my arms.  Anne was my compass throughout my career. We met in August of 1982 on my first day as a teacher when we were invited to lunch with several of our colleagues.  We were instantly best friends, and were married three years later. She was my constant companion…and was the consummate partner in this crazy life as a band director…and was the best teacher I have ever known.   She attended every concert and performance that my ensembles gave and I could always count on the strongest cheers coming from her.  I knew I wanted to have a piece created in her honor.  She was not a “band kid” growing up…she sang in the choir…so that led me to think about a transcription of choral music. Thompson’s The Best of Rooms has always been one of her favorites, so I knew that this was what I wanted to do.  I am fortunate to have Tyler S. Grant as one of my students at the University of Alabama.  I asked Tyler if he would be interested in taking on this project for me, and he agreed.  The circle was now perfect…one of my students writing music to honor the wonderful memory of my best friend, Anne.  My life has continued to change over the past four years, but not a day passes that something…a picture, a former student, or a sound, fails to remind me of Anne.  I know Anne’s spirit is here today, cheering loudly from the front row.  I miss you.  Thank you, Tyler.”

Notes provided by Randall Coleman
(Please credit Randall Coleman when reproducing or excerpting these program notes.)


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